Stuff I’m loving

So when I decided to start blogging again, it was because everyone and their momma 5 people were like “Hey, I really like the stuff you recommend, you should do a review blog!”  I mean when I used to blog, I often linked everything I talked about.  There was an asshat that tried to troll me and say that I linked everything I talked about and it was annoying (boo freakin’ hoo) but I have heard more often than not that people enjoyed when I linked things.

So I guess I’ll start a series (is that what you call it?) of blogs called “Stuff I’m loving” because that’s pretty freakin’ self-explanatory, right?  I’m not sure how often i’ll do this, how much stuff I’ll talk about, or how many each post.  I’ll do it until I get bored, which will probably be pretty fast every time.

First off, I have a Pinterest board that I started of things that I LOVED for Sophie.  It’s called “Best of Sophiebear”  I just have to say that you need ALL of that.  Okay, maybe not, nobody “needs” more than one stroller, but if you need help trying to justify that purchase to yourself or to your husband, I’m your gal.  Oh, and honestly?  I think Pinterest sucks.  I have friends that are way addicted to it but I never could catch on that trend.  Sorry Pinterest, you are not part of “Stuff I love”.

I know most of you comment to my blogs on Facebook but just feel free to ask about things, etc.  I really don’t know.  Give me categories?  I guess I should number these too?  Or not?  Does it really matter?  I guess my 5 readers will let me know 😉

Kendra Scott

This is my collection in a a teeny bit longer than a month.  Someone has a birthday next month ::cough cough::

This is my collection in a a teeny bit longer than a month. Someone has a birthday next month ::cough cough::

Okay, so I get these fixations sometimes on random things for no reason at all.  (Tory Burch, Candy Crush) Kendra Scott was one of those things that I didn’t realize OTHER people liked, so I’m not sure if the obsession began when I saw other friends be obsessed (Bebeau, I’m talking to you.  which by the way, you all need to try Bebeaux Cajun Food!) I know my food y’all.

ANYWAY.  I just happened to be at a local boutique in Southeast Texas called Gaudie Couture and saw them.  Then all hell broke loose.  Okay, not really, I just really like the earrings.  If you subscribe to her e-mail newsletter you’ll be notified of sales.  Just this past week she had a 20% off sale, you bet your butt I took advantage of it.  Maybe one day when I have a ton of Kendra Scott i’ll get more specific on what “style” I like the most, but as of now, I just love it all.  So if you’re making a list and checking it twice, I kind of want the white pearl ones.  

Origins “Modern Friction” scrub

"Try it.  You'll like it." - Yo Gabba Gabba

“Try it. You’ll like it.” – Yo Gabba Gabba

So this stuff is kind of awesome.  If you like microdermabrasion, you’ll love this.  It’s exactly what it sounds like, you put it on your dry face and rub hard with your hands.  The friction between your dry hands and dry face exfoliates like crazy.  I like to wear it on my face for a little bit like a mask and let it get REALLY good and dry.

Dwink Juice box/pouch holder


So, I’m one of those mean mommies and rarely lets my child have anything other than milk or water (and shut up, I don’t care what you give your kids either) but occasionally I will let her have a juice pouch or box as bribery or if I need her to behave.  Okay, judge away.  ANYWAY, before we got the Dwink box about 1/3 of the juice was on my couch, on my child, on the dog, just EVERYWHERE.  I know other companies make a similar product but I just really like the height of this one and really any type will fit in it.  Yes, all the way from Honest Kids (juice pouches) to Apple & Eve Fruitables (Tall, narrow boxes).  I’m not sure what stores carry these, but since I am ADDICTED to Amazon, that’s where we got ours.

Thermos Funtainer

My Little Pony is serious business, y'all.

My Little Pony is serious business, y’all.

I’m not sure why I am so impressed with this technology, I’m sure it’s the same Thermos technology that has been around for like 234234 years.  Anyway, these cups are amazing.  I can put ice cold milk in the cup and no lie, 8 hours later it is still cold.  Once at a park playdate I crazily told my friends, “Seriously, stick your finger in it!”.  Thankfully they didn’t, but yeah, it’s amazing.   Amazon has them and I ordered SOME from there but BEWARE, they are super marked up on Amazon.  You can find them in the camping section at Target.  I can’t fully take credit for this obsession, my friend Kristen directed me to them…..but you need them too.  Oh, and if you find any “My Little Pony” ones, send me them.  I’m ashamed for what I paid on Amazon for one, lol

Google Chromecast

images (1)

Now, i’m not gonna lie, we are SUCH consumers.  We have 4 TV’s in the house, two 60″ and two 40″ (why?) and believe it or not, Sophie doesn’t have one in her room.  (Do I really have to say again that I am not judging if your kid does, lets just let that be known I DON’T. FREAKING. CARE.) Ahem, anyway!  Now, a year or two ago Google TV came out and we LOVED it.   I have no idea why Google TV did not catch on, I mean people love their Roku boxes, right?  It’s basically the same concept, except you attach this little piece onto your TV and you CONTROL IT WITH YOUR PHONE.  Genius!  Ours actually hasn’t come in yet (I think it comes in within the next week?)

Fresh Lotus Eye Gel (& other Fresh stuff)

Yes.  I love it.

Yes. I love it.

Okay, so I can’t decide if I REALLY like this or if I’m such a fan of other Fresh products that my love for it just comes naturally?  I am obsessed with Fresh’s Sugar Lemon line. Chances are that you will recognize the scent immediately at Sephora as “what Holly reeks of”.  They also have a Sugar lipbalm that is amazing, especially during the brutal high altitude zero humidity winters.   They have so much stuff I want to try, but since I’m equally obsessed with Origins (and my skin doesn’t seem to get mad at me) I really haven’t hopped on that train.  Maybe I haven’t hopped into the real world either.  Once I was on a mommy forum when this trollop told me that “in the real world” people don’t buy the beauty products I so dearly loved.  So, I apologize if this is actually coming from La-la land.

Too Faced Better Than False Lashes

HOLY. FREAKIN. CRAP y’all.  So, I know what you’re thinking, “$35 for Mascara?” YES. You need this.  Blame this purchase on me.  Now, there is a learning curve to it (patience, patience, and patience ladies!) but once you get the hang of it, it knocks the pants off of any mascara you’ve ever tried.  I used to sing my praises to Bobbi Brown’s Extreme Party Mascara, but no ma’am.

It’s a two-step process, you put the mascara on, then these nylon fibers (it looks like you rubbed a cotton ball on your sticky eye lashes) and then put mascara over that.  Voila!  You have long, thick lashes.  The process makes you feel like you are channeling your inner Tammy Faye (may she rest in peace) and you might have to give yourself an additional 5 minutes to paint your lashes on, but dang it it’s worth it.  Also, I recommend putting your shirt on FIRST and then doing your lashes.   It takes a little bit for them to dry so if you pull your shirt over your head and it drags against your lashes, they stick together and it’s a hot mess.  Also, it takes an act of congress to get it off.   I recommend holding a makeup wipe over your eye for about 10 seconds, gently wiping downward, and then rubbing some of the Sephora makeup remover gel (It’s super cheap, $8?) as you wash your face.

Breaking Bad on Netflix


Okay, I don’t want to link anything because of accidentally spoiling something but this is the show that you SHOULD be watching but probably aren’t.  Of course, it’s kind of dark (a HS chemistry teacher that started cooking drugs to pay for his cancer treatment) but it’s SO good.  Sean and I are on Season 5, Episode 2.  We will probably catch up to the “new” episodes that are starting to fill up in our DVR (It recently came back on a few weeks ago, this is the final season) but I’m really getting anxious to see how this whole series is going to end.  AMC keeps popping out great shows.  Walking Dead, Mad Men, and now this?  LOVE.  I can’t decide who I hate or love, but the character development is just amazing.  It’s kind of mind blowing when you watch seasons back to back like we have.

Nano Titanium BaByliss Pro


So if you were a girl that liked to straighten her hair in the Early to Mid ’00s, you probably had Chi flat iron.  I used to think, “Oh em gee, I can’t imagine anything being more fabulous than burning my hair against a 350+ degree ceramic plate!”  Okay, not really.  I’ll use a flat iron until I’m 100 years old and accidentally set my hair on fire.  I’m a flat iron-er for life.  I even recently started getting Keratin done to my hair (it’s more awesome-er than a Brazilian Blowout) which helped tremendously but I still give credit to this magnificent new contraption made by Babyliss.

Yes, I’m sure your flat iron is awesome too, but once again, you that I need this.  Plus, in “flat iron world” (can someone tell me if this is the “real world” again?) it’s really affordable.  I’ve heard urban legends about people getting them for less than $100 on Amazon.  (FYI – I got mine from my hairdresser) I have SUPER thick hair….but look, it doesn’t look thick here!  It looks STRAIGHT!  My only complaint?  It’s blue.  I want a pink one.  I want a golden egg too, just saying.

If you couldn't figure it out. Kelsea didn't use her Babyliss that day.  (Why can't I have perfect curly hair too?)

If you couldn’t figure it out. Kelsea didn’t use her BaByliss that day. (Why can’t I have perfect curly hair too?)

Well, it happened.  I’m bored.  So that’s it for today.

Wait.  ONE more thing.

I. just. can’t. let. it. go.

I’m also LOVING An Open Letter To Teenage Girls from the Mother of 6 Boys

“I promise we will never sit around as a family to critique your online photos.  That’s a creepy pastime.  As a family we enjoy movies, video games, cooking and parties.”  (How is this relevant?  Oh I’M LOVING this quote)

Extremely creepy.

Oh Grandma, they can CORRUPT YOUNG MEN TOO!!!

Oh Grandma, they can CORRUPT YOUNG MEN TOO!!!  Damn the harlots! Damn you all!


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